Garapa 5/4
Common Name: Garapa, grapia(Apuleia leiocarpa)
Grows in South America with a tree size of 65-100 ft tall, 3-5 ft trunk diameter, and an average dried weight of 51 lbs/ft.
Janka Hardness: 1,650 lbf
Garapa has a golden to yellowish brown color, which darkens with age. Sapwood is also yellowish in color and not clearly distinct from the heartwood. The wood is fairly chatoyant, and appears to shift from dark to light coloring in different lighting angles. Grain is usually straight, but can also be interlocked. Uniform medium texture with a moderate amount of natural luster.
Garapa is rated as durable, though vulnerable to termites and other insect attacks and fairly easy to work with despite its density. Glues and finishes well.
Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, garapa has been reported to cause skin irritation. Garapa is not commonly available in lumber form, though it is sometimes used for flooring and decking. The price should be moderate for an imported hardwood.
Common Uses: Flooring, decking, dock, and boatbuilding. Garapa is one of the few commercial hardwoods available that’s light-colored and also decay-resistant for exterior applications. Nearly all other exterior woods are much darker in color, with the exception of much softer cedar species.
Garapa 5/4
4050 Old Cornelia Hwy
Gainesville GA 30507
United States
Wood Calculator Section
Need Help Figuring out how much you need ?
One Board foot = 144 Cubic Inches
Example: If you need a piece of wood 12 inches wide, 1 inch thick and 24 inches long, that is equal to 2 board feet.
12 inches x 1 inch x 24 inches = 288 inches. 288/ 144 = 2 board feet