Red Elm Slabs
Common Name: Red Elm, Slippery Elm, Soft Elm(Ulmus rubra)
Found in Eastern to Midwest United States with a tree size of 50-80 ft tall, 2-3 ft trunk diameter, and an average dried weight of 38 lbs/ft
Janka Hardness: 860 lbf
Red Elm is light to medium reddish brown. Paler sapwood is usually well defined. The grain is interlocked (making it very resistant to splitting). With a somewhat coarse, uneven texture.
Red Elm Slabs
Red Elm Slab 2 - 66"x14"x1.75"
4050 Old Cornelia Hwy
Gainesville GA 30507
United States
Wood Calculator Section
Need Help Figuring out how much you need ?
One Board foot = 144 Cubic Inches
Example: If you need a piece of wood 12 inches wide, 1 inch thick and 24 inches long, that is equal to 2 board feet.
12 inches x 1 inch x 24 inches = 288 inches. 288/ 144 = 2 board feet